Helvetas Water and Hygiene Project 2014

SWAN has been supporting Helvetas' water projects for many years. Through the projects the locals do not only have access to clean drinking water but are also trained in the construction and maintenance of drinking water systems and of the district and local communities councils and their awareness on hygiene and health are raised.

This year SWAN is supporting a project in Burkina Faso, which lies in West Africa. According to the UNO Human Development Index, Burkina Faso is one of the poorest countires in the world. The goal of this year's project is to improve the living conditions of the locals through clean drinking water and improved sanitation. To learn more about the project click here.

Through many years of working with Helvetas, we can ensure that our donations are used rightly.

SWAN hopes 2014 has been just as memorable for you as if has been for us. We wish you a joyous holiday season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness.

Product News (November 2014)

The AMI Silica Family

Our first member of the AMI Silica Family is our AMI Silica, which was introduced in 2011. Our AMI Silica covers a wide range of applications (water steam cycles, cooling- and surface water) due to its wide measuring range.

One of our new family members is our AMI Silitrace, which complements our Silica Family. With its tempered photometer, it is suggested to use our AMI Silitrace for all low temperature applications as the instruments measuring range starts at 0,5ppb, which makes the AMI Silitrace ideal for applications such as Make-up Water, all pure water treatment systems and Condensate. Read more...

Our other new family member is our AMI Silitrace Ultra. This analyser is our designated Ultrapure Water & Semicon instrument. We are pleased to say that our AMI Silitrace ultra is the only instrument on the market which is able to measure low silica concentration levels to fulfil the strict limits of the new guideline of the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (0,01ppb/10ppt). Our AMI Silitrace Ultra will replace our COPRA Silitrace.

The AMI Silica still remains the ideal instrument for Boiler Water and Steam application where the expected silica values are higher than 1,0ppb. Read more...


Product News (October 2014)

AMI Phosphate HL (High Level)


The new AMI Phosphate HL is available. Reliable measurement of high phosphate concentration levels is now possible with an easy to maintain online instrument.


The new photometer is using a colorimetric measurement according to APHA 4500-P C. Vanadate-Molybdate method. Features include sample flow surveillance and a low reagents detection level switch, making our new analyser a highly reliable, precise and accurate instrument.


With its wide measurement range (0.1 to 50ppm)
the AMI Phosphate HL is the ideal instrument to measure high level phosphate concentrations in boiler water and district heating plants. For cooling water and waste water applications, an optional cleaning module is available.


Read more




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SWAN Australia Pacific (September 2014)

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From left to right: Jonathan Orban (Sales Manager), Chris Wellard (Product Manager), Natasha Agafonoff (Analytical System Specialist) and Lukas Staub (SWAN Group CSO)


Swan Analytical Instruments of Switzerland is proud to announce the latest addition to our worldwide service and distribution network.

SWAN has become the leading brand for online water analyzers and instruments for water steam cycle monitoring and potable water process control in the Australia Pacific Region. For more than 20 years we have appreciated and valued our customer loyalty and have strived to provide the best quality products and services.

Osmoflo and its subsidiary Water Equipment Plus have been our distribution partner in Australia for the last 23 years and have grown into a successful international water treatment business and are further concentrating their efforts in this area of operation. As a result Osmoflo have made the decision to leave the area of business which involved the sale of SWAN instruments and analyzers.
This made way for Swan Analytical Australia Pacific Pty Ltd as our distributor in Australia.


Lounges 2014





Meet us at the Pharma-Lounges 2014 in Stuttgart, Germany

Have a look at our analyzers especially designed for the requirements of the Pharmaceutical Industry: our on-line TOC-analyzer AMI LineTOC, the in-line conductivity sensors Pharmacon and our portable AMI Inspectors for the quality assurance of process analyzers.

Our experts are looking forward to welcoming you at our booth G1.2



Besuchen Sie uns an den Pharma-Lounges 2014 in Stuttgart, Deutschland.

Hier finden Sie unsere Produkte, die wir speziell für die pharmazeutische Industrie entwickelt haben. Den AMI LineTOC für die on-line TOC-Überwachung, die in-line Leitfähigkeitssensoren Pharmacon sowie die mobilen AMI Inspectors für die zuverlässige Qualitätsüberwachung und -sicherung.

Unsere Experten freuen sich auf Ihren Besuch auf unserem Stand G1.2.

API PowerChem 2014

The API PowerChem 2014 in Sunshine Coast, QLD, Australia combines a power station chemistry conference, an international exhibition and training courses.

The training course on Power Cycle Instrumentation is being coordinated by SWAN Anayltical Instruments AG. This training course will be presented by a number of speakers and includes following topics:

  • Chemistry and corrosion in the boiler
  • Cooling water disinfection and control
  • Seven sins of sampling
  • Conditioning cooler designs
  • Parameter turbidity and conductivity
  • Parameter pH and ORP
  • Parameter dissolved Oxygen
  • Parameter Nitrate, Ammonium, Sodium, Hydrogen, Silica and Phosphate

For more information on this training course, please visit the conference webpage.


Product News (Mar 2014)

AMI Hydrogen QED  

We are pleased to announce the release of our new Monitor AMI Hydrogen QED for the continuous measurement of dissolved hydrogen in water steam cycles.


The analyzer is fitted with the SwanSensor Hydrogen, our precise measuring cell which we developed for the well-known AMI INSPECTOR Hydrogen. As a special feature, the new monitor is equipped with a faraday electrode and control unit for the automatic and/or manual verification. Together with the automatic air pressure and temperature compensation this new monitor is a highly reliable, precise and accurate instrument.


With its wide measurement range from 0.1 to 800 ppb or 0 to 50% saturation (at 25°C) the AMI Hydrogen QED is the ideal instrument for state of the art corrosion trend tracking in your water steam cycle. 



SWAN South Africa - Office Launch


From left to right: Nuno Cartucho (Service Manager), Nic Van Burick (Sales Manager), Michelle Steyn (Office Manager) and Lukas Staub (SWAN Group CSO)


February 20, 2014 – Johannesburg South Africa – Swan Analytical Instruments provider of the world’s leading on-line analytical instruments, hosted an event to celebrate one of its most recent expansions within the organisation. Group CSO, Lukas Staub officially opened the new SWAN branch within South Africa.

The event hosted guests from a number of different industries within South Africa. Swan Instrumentation South Africa (Pty) Ltd was privileged to have one of the founding members, Ruedi German present at the official office opening in South Africa.


Product News (Feb 2014)

NEW: Analyzer AMI Codes-II HC


We have the pleasure to announce our newly developed analyzer for elevated concentrations of chlorine. It is especially designed for application in reuse water processing, wastewater and sanitation water where the usual disinfection concentrations are much higher compared to e.g. potable water processing.


While most of the analytical system is based on the well-proven design of our Codes-II product family we developed a new process-photometer based on the Iodometric-Method (AWWA 4500-Cl C) to provide the wide measuring range from 5 to 80 ppm.


The well-known Cleaning Module II can be connected and is especially recommended for wastewater and effluent applications.


Official EDF Supplier / Fournisseur Officiel EDF (Jan 2014)


We are pleased to announce that Electricité de France (EDF), based on extensive testing, has selected our AMI Hydrazine to equip its nuclear and thermal power plants.


EDF is one of the largest electricity suppliers for residential clients, small business, major business and local authorities.


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que Electricité de France (EDF), faisant suite à une campagne de tests approfondis, a sélectionné notre AMI Hydrazine pour équiper ses centrales nucléaires et thermiques.


EDF est un des plus grands opérateurs énergétiques dans le monde maîtrisant la production d'électricité, la distribution et les services aux clients.